Good Evening ladies and gentlemen
I welcome you again to the late night debate showcase where today we answer one of the most important questions plaging humanity since time immemorial. Today we finally answer the unanswered question you’ve all been dying to know. In Today’s episode of Truthseeker we finally end the debate over the question of
What came first - the chicken or the egg?
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight on this debate we are joined by the highly esteemed representative of the chickens - Mr. Cluck Obama, on our right
And on our left we are joined by an equally important figure giving voice to the other side of this question - Mr. Egg straight from New Yolk.
So we now begin with the question on all of our viewers minds - Mr. Cluck Obama, you identify yourself as one amongst the chickens, but is it or is it not true that you yourself came out of an egg?
Well ladies and gentle, that’s certainly something to consider. Lets process that in our minds for a while so that we may truly understand the gravity of what has been mentioned so far.
To stand up to that, we will now be facilitating a comment from Mr. Egg. We have great eggs-pectations from your response sir.
Oh my my - Mr egg has rolled over and fallen down. I dare say he is trying to suggest that he can’t stand such nonsense being spouted.
OH MY! And he’s cracked. I assume he is trying to indicate that Mr. Cluck’s entire argument is the most hilarious thing he has ever heard in his entire shelf-life.
Duh Duh Duh - the plot chickens. We’ll see you again for the continuation of our debate after a short ad break.
Oh is that right, Mr. Cluck would like to respond to that in writing.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to our debate, we’ll be picking up from where we left off not too long ago.
Well Mr. Cluck, I dare saw that you have a most fantastic hen-writing. Mr. Cluck says that every single egg comes out of a chicken, Mr. Egg included, therefore there is no way that he is right. Well thank you for your point sir. That might as well give an eggsistential crisis to all of our egg viewers today.
Umm, it appears that Mr. Egg has chichkened out of further continuing this debate. Well that certainly was something.
On the next episode of Truthseeker we’ll be having Mr. Dino claiming that eggs have been around for way longer than chickens and controversial politician Mr. Donald Cluck, against Shaikh Egg and Baba Anda.
For now ladies and gentlemen I thank you for tuning in. Now I’ll make my eggs-it. Until next time on the truth seeker.
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